Daily Capricorn Horoscope August 23 (23/08)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

August 23


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Your relationship with a certain person is shifting and to a new level. You, however, might view whats happening as an unhelpful and annoying setback. You might feel as if youve been in the situation unfolding now many times in the past and dont want to be drawn into something that smacks of a previously unpleasant experience. In truth, theres something you need to accept about yourself. Once done, the issue raising its head once again will not be an issue in the future.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might feel youve been pushed a particular direction that involves a change to your daily routine. Rather than feel resentful, try to see the improvements this change offers. It could be a one you might not have introduced had push not come to shove, but with little effort, you should be able to see the benefits of doing something differently. Whether this involves a new health regime or adopting a new work methodology, youll be grateful for this alteration soon.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

With so much emphasis that has likely existed on financial matters already this month, you understandably wish the cosmos would focus its efforts on another area. However, events this week continue to highlight finances and particularly money that doesnt come from earnings. This relates to money such as inheritances, commissions or loans. A situation or arrangement might become tenser before it improves, but financial anxiety and uncertainty are about to be removed.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

There is a strong focus on earnings and money that comes from other areas, and positive developments on offer will emerge once youve arrived at the other side of a tense period. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th highlights your earnings and brings tension or uncertainty to a head before presenting you with a fresh start and new beginning where income is concerned. Later in the month, a New Moon Solar Eclipse influences money that comes from investments, loans or commission. Whatever financial development transpires could arrive in the nick of time!


health capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Today\s celestial configuration gives you more energy than you know what to do with. Internally you may feel confused or frustrated, while externally you may seem radiant and glowing. Do not let what others do or say influence your choices when it comes to your health. Follow your own internal measure regarding what you eat and how much, if any, alcohol you take in. There is no one else but you who knows exactly what it\s like to be in your body.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Today\s aspects keep you feeling vulnerable for a little while. This vulnerability translates into a need to physically act out what you are feeling inside. There will be days when a challenging run or a boxing workout at the gym will release your energy in a positive way. Other days a yoga class and a long hot bath will help you find inner balance. Either way, you are paying attention to your body and that is important.


health capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

Use this opportunity to get a thorough medical checkup, especially in those areas where you\ve experienced any ongoing symptoms. If you\ve gone off track as far as your fitness and eating routines are concerned, this is the time to pick up where you left off. Don\t give up. Persevere for outstanding results.


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

With curious Mercury, your wellness planet, turning retrograde on August 12, you may feel compelled to find a personal trainer or life coach who can help you achieve your wellness goals. There is a sense that you want to turn back the clock and enjoy the same level of fitness you had a few years or even decades ago. Is it possible? It could come down to a matter of belief. Working with someone who has a positive outlook and can encourage you to move beyond your limits might enable you to reverse the aging process.


love capricorn daily

Star 9/10

This is not a day you would consider to be romantic in the normal sense of the word. The planetary alignment means that you will tend to spend a lot of time discussing the finer points of what it means when one of you does this and the other does that. You may go into past memories or present situations with a fine-tooth comb hoping to find the answer. In the end, it is all irrelevant. Who cares anyway - tomorrow neither of you will.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

This is the kind of day when it is easy to fly off the handle. The planetary aspect indicates that it is difficult to be patient concerning things that are bothering you, especially if they concern someone close to you. The other side of the coin indicates, however, that if you do need to say something difficult, you can summon hidden powers and resources today. You have a choice.


love capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Is there more than one person youre interested in or pursuing? Do the people know about each other? The start of the week calls for full disclosure. Putting your priorities in order is a task for later in the week, and it might surprise you how far down the list your romantic life falls. Career and job are probably always going to be number one, but love should come in at a close second.


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

The Jupiter-Pluto square on August 4 gives you a new perspective on love, but you might not like what you see. If you arent happy with the view, change directions until you are. A Sun-Uranus Fire Trine on August 20 illuminates some interesting options, and you may be thinking about things you havent thought about before. When a whole new world opens up, the romantic possibilities seem limitless. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, bringing a comfortable order to your dating life. You thrive on planning perfect dates, rating previous dates from one to ten, and updating online dating profiles.


career capricorn daily

Star 9/10

You are in a difficult position today. In order for you to move ahead with your work, it seems that you will have to step on someone else\s toes. Be sensitive to this other person or your actions will backfire quite badly later on down the road.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

Take on a leadership role. You are in the perfect position to do so. You have very good relations with many different people around the workplace and you have successfully won their favor. Now is the time to use this to your advantage.


career capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

A positive attitude increases your confidence at work and supports making money. Business opportunities will present themselves if you reach out and talk to people. You may be in a social whirl this week. Your love of pleasure and having a good time will be strong. Be sure to keep up with assignments. You can give a sympathetic ear to someone going through a difficult situation. Seek a consensus when making decisions at week\s end.


career capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

A lucrative job will come to an end around August 7, putting a big paycheck in your hands. Use this money to further your career in some way. Buying a handsome interview suit, lightweight laptop, or premium smartphone will improve your professional prospects. On August 21, youll have an opportunity to work on commission. You may be reluctant to enter into such an agreement at first, but put your fears aside and give it a try. Youll make so much money during the trial period that youll wonder why you ever wanted to work for a flat salary in the first place.



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