Daily Taurus Horoscope September 25 (25/09)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

September 25


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 7/10

You might naturally feel frustrated with the fact that a closely-held ambition is experiencing more than one restriction. Rather than believe the gods are going to great lengths to thwart your plan, consider the fact that theres something you need to grasp the concept of before this hurdle can be overcome. The revelation you need can come from adopting a very open mind.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might naturally feel frustrated with the fact that a closely-held ambition is subject to more than one restriction. Rather than believe the gods are going to great lengths to thwart your plan, consider the fact that theres something you need to grasp the concept of before this hurdle can be overcome. The revelation you need can come from adopting a very open mind.


summary taurus weekly

Star 9/10

A particular sense of confusion should be welcomed, not feared. This week, its possible you might feel a certain plan isnt unfolding as it should do. This could cause you to wonder if youve been relieved of your duties as the captain of your own destiny and an unseen force is now dictating where youre going and where youre going to end up. The gust of wind in the form of change is taking you to where you need to be. Its important you trust that and where you are now is where you need to be for that to happen.


summary taurus monthly

Star 9/10

A strong sense of pride could come from effort made in the past and present where your home and family are concerned. Dont allow modesty to cause you to ignore praise coming your direction for whatever youve instigated domestically. Its not only this that brings a fantastic feel-good factor to your world this month. The cosmos is focusing exceptional effort on enhancing romance and pleasure. Meeting or connecting with a certain person is not out of the question. If youre an attached Taurean, then intimacy between you and the object of your affections could be like nothing youve experienced in a while or before!


health taurus daily

Star 9/10

You need to be very protective of your time and energy - so often you give to others and skimp on yourself. Return to the \"child state\" and focus on yourself today. Take yourself to an exercise class and situate yourself next to the teacher. Ask for help when you need it. It would be wonderful to have a healthy meal prepared for you by someone else. Otherwise, many organic grocery stores prepare wonderful meals that can be taken \"to go.\" Take it easy today.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

A new outlook is possible today - things that you do every day may seem somehow different - enjoy this fresh perspective! It\s important to be flexible and to listen for the inner voice that tells you when to bend and when to walk away from a situation. You often comply in situations when someone else will benefit - ask yourself what you really need, instead. When it comes to what you eat, it\s wise to give your intestinal tract a break from bread and dairy products.


health taurus weekly

Star 7/10

The good thing right now is that you\re being encouraged to speak up for yourself more. You\re now willing to set boundaries and tell others like it is. This is excellent for your emotional state. It not only clears the air but also helps you feel less like a martyr and more in control. Keep this up and your health will flourish.


health taurus monthly

Star 8/10

Theres a revolutionary influence that could change your health and well-being for the better. Over this month, optimistic Jupiter in your health zone links with innovative Uranus in a quieter sector of your chart. This could see you taking on board beliefs that encourage you to completely change your routines for something more dynamic. Taking up a spiritual discipline that can impact diet and exercise could see you eating more healthfully, learning more about whats best for your body, and taking the time to rest, meditate and reflect. Its all about regaining your physical equilibrium and finding inner peace.


love taurus daily

Star 10/10

The energy of the day may spring a few surprises - not the least being that an old lover still has a very soft spot for you in their heart. If you are currently challenged in the romance department, you may want to think long and hard about this one, as a lot of water has passed under the bridge, and you are now both older and wiser. But hey, why not give it a go?


love taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

The energy of today makes it a very cerebral occasion in terms of romance. But you will enjoy this immensely. You can get out all your old poetry books, and dramatically enunciate those wonderful lines that speak of true love and happiness ever after. \"Happiness after what?\" you may ask. Happiness after you put the books away and get real - life is for living, not quoting!


love taurus weekly

Star 7/10

Youre all about aesthetics. Youre attracted to the most beautiful person in the room, so why settle for less? You deserve the very best, and youre willing to put in your very best effort to obtain it. If youre put on the spot over the weekend, be as tactful as possible. Theres nothing wrong with telling a little white lie occasionally if it isnt done with malicious intent.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

You have a hard time deciphering whos real and whos fake during the sun/Neptune opposition on September 5, and your blurriness could result in bad dating decisions. You cant change the past, but you can vow not to repeat obvious romantic mistakes in the future. The lunar month ends with a Pisces full moon in September 6, giving you the opportunity to get closure once and for all. Theres no time for regret. Just move on and dont look back. The sun shifts into beauty-loving Libra on September 22, emphasizing romantic poise and grace. You cant always be the winner, but you can act like one.


career taurus daily

Star 10/10

You have the missing ingredient that other people are looking for. You easily know how to patch up disputes in the workplace. You can bridge the gap. There certainly will be differences of opinion today so you will have your work cut out for you.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

You seem to be the main focal point at this time. Everyone is turning to you for suggestions and ideas. You like to be in the spotlight whether you admit this or not. Now is the time to demonstrate your tremendous value in the workplace.


career taurus weekly

Star 8/10

As the week begins, you may feel as if you\re stuck in neutral and unable to make the progress you know is possible. Be patient and finish all you can to prepare for opportunities soon to come. This week begins a monthlong period that\s wonderfully supportive for all you do. If you want to change jobs, this is the time to start networking. You may rediscover some opportunities that you missed in the months prior.


career taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Make sure to attend a professional conference in the first half of September, when the full moon rewards teamwork. Youll make some beneficial alliances at this meeting. If you feel youve outgrown this organization, officially resign. Leaving the group will give you more time for the creative pursuits you enjoy. Dont worry. The friendships youve made will remain long after you leave. Youll be invited to take a risk on or around September 20. Instead of taking a gamble, maintain the status quo. The conflicted new moon makes a seemingly surefire deal more flawed than you think. Keep doing what has worked in the past.



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