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Pakistani shadow after the Taliban victory


A few days after the Taliban occupied Kabul, their flag flew above the Mosque in the center of Pakistani capital, as a sign of a victory.

Pakistan is considered an American partner in the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban over the past two decades.

But Jane Perlez, Nytimes editor, said that this is an unforeseen cooperation relationship and conflicting benefits from the beginning after the 11/11 terrorist.

Taliban warrior patrol at Herat early August 8. Photo: Reuters.

Tribal leaders said that in three months Taliban swept Afghanistan, many Taliban gunmen were facilitated by Pakistani army to border into Afghanistan.

Pakistan and ISI think they won in Afghanistan, Robert L. Grenier, former CIA director in Pakistan, said.

Pakistan's captum reputation with the West can plummet, when the Taliban take over Afghanistan.

No foreign funding severed, Afghanistan is at risk to depend on drug trafficking activities.

In addition, the relationship between Pakistan and the US will continue to decline after events in Afghanistan.

Pakistan's Jamiat Ulema-E Party members celebrate the signing agreement between the US and Taliban in Quetta in March 3/2020.

The question is that Pakistani people will do with neighboring nations are under the control of an ally forces with them, but have been devastated after two decades of the civil war.

Operating a war destroyed country is a real challenge, especially when the Taliban is a better fighting force than rule, Maleeha Lohdi, former Pakistani Ambassador in the United Nations, saying in the article on the

During the war in Afghanistan, the United States closed his eyes ignored before Pakistan's Taliban support activities, because they didn't want to cause trouble with a nuclear weapon country.

US officials said the Pakistani Intelligence Agency supported Taliban, such as planning, professional training and sometimes a field advisor throughout the war.

Those benefits do not include a large US military presence at the border, an autonomous Afghanistan with a democratic government that they cannot control or own strong military.

Bruce Riedel, former Counseling on South Asia in President George W. Bush and Barack Obama, said the Pakistani troops always haunted that Afghanistan had an important strategic meaning in their confrontation with India

Pakistani people showed indignation when former President Obama visited India in 2015, but ignored Pakistan, according to Riedel.

During the visit to Washington earlier this year, Moeed Yusuf, Pakistani Prime Minister's National Security Advisor Imran Khan, emphasized that India's presence was needed in Afghanistan.

When Indian diplomats must evacuate Kabul, while the Pakistani Embassy of Pakistan is like a jar, Pakistan's press seems to see this move as a victory.

According to Douglas London, former CIA terrorist director in South and Southeast Asia, Pakistan has a very powerful assistant in Taliban ranks, which is Khalil Haqqani.

The relationship between Pakistani and Haqqani is indisputing and contributing indispensable in the victory of the Taliban, London said, adding that the head of Pakistan Javed Bajwa army and the head of ISI Hameed Faiz regularly met Haqqani

Former CIA official said Pakistan helped the Taliban a lot, from providing safe shelters at the border to treatment for injured warriors.

Taliban in Afghanistan will not be able to have the current position without support from Pakistan, London said.

The leader Khalil Haqqani spoke at Pul-E Kheshti Mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan last week.

The relationship between the United States and Pakistan cooled after the US Navy task to destroy Osama bin Laden in 2011 at the shelter near a Pakistani Military Academy.

However, the Obama administration has never publicized what they suspect that the Pakistani army contains Osama Bin Laden.

That forced the United States to end support for Pakistan, synonymous Pakistan also blocked the road to provide military equipment to the US in Afghanistan, leading to an increase in war costs.

Despite the stressful relationship, the US continues to cooperate with Pakistan.

Sajjan Gohel, international security director at the Asia-Pacific Fund in London, said China wants Pakistan to play as a supporter in Afghanistan.

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